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Ergebnisse 1 - 15 von ungefähr 15
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Latein 11.7.0. De metallariis et metallis et...
11.7.0. De metallariis et metallis et procuratoribus metallorum.

Imperatores Gratianus, Valentinianus, Theodosius . Cuncti, qui per privatorum loca saxorum venam laboriosis effossionibus persequuntur, decimas fisco, decimas etiam domino repraesentent, cetero modo suis desideriis vindicando. * GRAT. VALENTIN. ET THEODOS. AAA. FLORO PP. *<A 382 D. III K. SEPT. CONSTANTINOPOLI ANTONIO ET SYAGRIO CONSS.>
elimdeki metnin bu mu olduğunu öğrenmek istiyorum ayrıca başlıkta ne yazdığını bilmiyorum "eğer toprakla örtülü taş ocaklarının derin dehlizleriş binaların temellerini tehlikeye maruz bırakıyorsa´binaların altında aynı durumu yaratan mermer yatakları varsa onları arama imkanı kabul edilmemektedir"(elimdeki metin) yardımcı olabilecek arkadaşların acil yardımına ihtiyacım var...

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Englisch 11.7.0. Concerning metal-miners, ...
Türkisch 11.7.0 Metal madencileri ile ilgili
Französisch Les jours et les nuits sans toi
Mon amour, tu me manques,j'ai hâte de te voir. La prochaine fois il faudra mieux nous organiser, voir ton planning afin que je puisse prendre mon billet d'avion au bon moment. Dès le mois de décembre je vais épargner pour le prochain voyage. Mon amour pour toi est grand. Je compte les jours, ils me paraissent si longs. Je t'aime tellement.Je suis folle,l'amour que je te porte me rend dépendante.J'ai beaucoup de choses à te dire et pourtant je me tais, te voir me fait du bien. Plein de bisous, je t'aime.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Sensiz günler ve geceler
Ungarisch Az vagy, amit gondolsz.
Az vagy, amit gondolsz.
"Az vagy, amit gondolsz, és csak azt tudod elgondolni, amiben hiszel. Ne gondolj a hanyatlásodra, mert bekövetkezik. Ne gondolj a veszteségre, mert veszteségek érnek. Ne gondolj a szomorúságra, mert lelked sötétségbe borul. Ne gondolj a rosszra, mert a mélybe taszít. A jó gondolat: ajándék, szárnyalás, magasba vágyódás, felemelkedés... Élni csupán a legtisztább vágyak szerint érdemes." -- A fordítandó szöveg egy Tatiosz műből kiragadott rész.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Englisch You are what you think
Türkisch olduÄŸunu düşündüğün...
Latein Tu es quod te esse cogitas.
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Englisch In addition, a shift in the SPR band position was...
In addition, a shift in the SPR band position was observed in the case of H2 exposure, which was not found for CO, thus indicating a different detection mechanism for the two species. The wavelength dependence of OTCR has be exploited to tailor the film’s selectivity towards the detection of H2 with reduced CO interference. For a film containing 6% Au and at 570 nm wavelength, H2 was detected by monitoring the transmittance change, while for CO the change was negligible.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Ek olarak, H2'ye maruz kalması durumunda
Englisch Your letter dated .... has reached ...
Your letter dated .... has reached has for which we are grateful.

Unfortunately we are in need of your kind assistance once more.

Is it possible to obtain the same certificate yet with an 'apostil' bij the authority that issues it?

Also we are in need of a 'nufus kayit ornegi' which attest to the nationality of aforementioned person in accordance with the Vienna treaty of 8 september 1976 so that a translation or apostille is not required.

We regret to burden you with this request but our inquiries at the Consulat in Belgium have remained unanswered.

Naturally you costs will be reimbursed and we are at you disposal for any reciprocal favour.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch ... tarihli mektubunuz elimize ulaÅŸtı...
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Türkisch Sürekli senidüşünüyorum.. Hayalinle yaşıyorum.....
Sürekli seni düşünüyorum..
Hayalinle yaşıyorum..
Bir anda herÅŸeyim oldun..
Sana aşık oluyorum..
Artık çekinmeden söylüyorum..
Seni Seviyorum..

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Englisch I always think about you. I live with your fantasy
Italienisch Penso sempre a te. Vivo con le tue fantasie.
Englisch Yeah every empty one of us have methods To...
Yeah every empty one of us have methods
To quell the madness of this pace
But yours have bled and are running south
Like dollar store mascara down your face
You could take that wait and all that fuss and
They'll just get the best of us, you know
Give me love not suicide and
The wise wider part of me will show

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Evet, her birimizin yöntemleri var
Französisch Ce sont des choses qui ne se disent pas
Ce sont des choses qui ne se disent pas
<edit> added "Ce sont", for this text to be acceptable to translation</edit> (10/04/francky)

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch bunlar söylenmeyecek..
Englisch Not two days ago I was having a look in a book...
Not two days ago I was having a look in a book
And I saw a picture of a guy fried up above his knees
I said I can relate
Cause lately I’ve been thinking of combustication as a welcomed vacation from.
The burdens of the planet earth, like gravity, hypocrisy, and the perils of being in 3-D
And thinking so much differently.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch 2 gün olmadı, bir kitaba göz atıyordum
Französisch Qui visite un pays en ignorant sa langue n'a rien...
Qui visite un pays en ignorant sa langue n'a rien visité.
Devise de Lexilogos, un site francophone très intéressant pour les amoureux des langues et des voyages à travers notre vaste monde.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Italienisch Chi visita un paese ignorandone la lingua...
Arabisch من يزور بلدا و لا يأخذ لغتها بدون اعتبار فلم ...
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch Quem visita um país ...
Spanisch Quien visita un país ignorando su idioma...
Englisch He that visits a country...
Schwedisch Som besöker ett land ...
Portugiesisch Quem visita um país, ignorando a sua língua, não...
Niederländisch Diegene die een land bezoekt zonder de taal te kennen, heeft niets bezocht.
Griechisch Όποιος επισκέπτεται μία χώρα αγνοώντας τη γλώσσα της
Albanisch Ai që viziton një vend...
Bulgarisch Този който...
Türkisch Dilini bilmeden bir ülkeyi..
Rumänisch Cine vizitează o Å£ară dar îi ignoră limba, nu a vizitat nimic.
Serbisch Ko poseti zemlju čiji jezik ne zna, ništa nije...
Russisch Кто посетил страну и не заинтересовался её языком, можено сказать, там и не был
Norwegisch Den som besøker et land uten å kjenne ......
Latein Qui sine eius linguae notitia terram visitat, is nihil vidit.
Polnisch Kto odwiedza kraj bez znajomości...
Dänisch Som besøger et land...
Bosnisch Ko posjeti zemlju čiji jezik ne zna, ništa nije posjetio
Katalanisch Qui visita un país..
Ungarisch Aki úgy látogat meg egy országot, hogy nem ismeri a nyelvét...
Hebräisch המבקר במדינה בלי לדעת את שפתה...
Litauisch Tas, kuris aplanko šalį
Mongolisch Хэл мэдэхгvйгээр аялах хэрэггvй
Chinesisch vereinfacht 他访问了一个国家的网站
Chinesisch 參觀一個國家若忽略了那國的語言,那就什麽也沒參觀到
Deutsch Wer ein Land besucht...
Finnisch Kuka käy maassa
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Englisch With 2.6 billion people and less than 5% of the...
With 2.6 billion people and less than 5% of the world’s health expenditure, countries in this group suffer from an absolute under-funding of their health sector, along with a disproportion ally high disea seburden. The persistence of high levels of maternal mortality in these countries - they claim close to 90% of all maternal deaths - is perhaps the clearest indication of the consequences of the under-funding of health on the performance of their health systems.
merhaba ben dr.nuray sadece önemli noktaların özeti gerekiyor lütfen yardımcı olur musunuz

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch 2,6 milyar insan...
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Englisch pour me drunkenness
pour me drunkenness

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Kadehime sarhoÅŸluk..
Englisch Meeting at Night
Meeting at Night

The Turkish blue sea and long silent land;
Above the yellow huge moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quench its speed in the slushy sand.

Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
A pavement to cross till a bench appears;
A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And far away a blue spurt of a lighted match,
Our voices less loud, through its joys and fears,
Than our two hearts beating each to each!

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Gece BuluÅŸması
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Englisch Sexy Star
The Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon is available for pre-order from Barnes & Noble. This is the second special edition exclusively covering Twilight and New Moon. It includes 128 pages of pictures and posters featuring Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, and the rest of the cast. The original Sexy Stars of Twilight is still available for those of you who haven’t gotten it. You can check them both out here.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Seksi Yıldız
Französisch Oui, bien sûr!C'est à dire je vous ...
Oui, bien sûr! C'est à dire je vous accompagne jusqu'au dernier moment, pour empêcher S. de faire une pareille folie!

"evet, tabii ki! yani bize eşlik etmesini engellemek için samuel son ana kadar aynı aptallığı yaptı." gibi bir anlam çıkardım. teyit etmek için gönderdim.

<edit> in correct French</edit> (09/01/francky thanks to Lene's notification )

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Türkisch Evet, elbette!...